Felons, Addicts, and Alcoholics Organizing Network
Public Issue
Active 2 months ago
Felons, Addicts, and Alcoholics Organizing Network (FAAON), is a new forming non-profit Social... View more
Group Description
Felons, Addicts, and Alcoholics Organizing Network (FAAON), is a new forming non-profit Social Justice organizations that seeks to unite Felons, Addicts, and Alcoholics, Harm Reduction, Mental Health, and Restorative and Transformative Justice Advocates and Professioinals, across the country, and across the spectrum of “criminal record,” or addiction and behavioral barrier that could lead to future criminal record. We represent those who work on preventative solutions to our nation’s incarceration crisis, in the face of Covid-19, and we work with those who are currently incarcerated, at fear of becoming incarcerated, or who are attempting to transition back into productive society post incarceration. And we work with those currently in the system, or transitioning out of the system. We seek to decriminalize, de-stigmatize, and re-humanize.
In light of the “school to prison pipeline,” the over-incarceration and representation in the “criminal injustice system” of BIPOC and LGBTQIA persons, we are against the incarceration of juveniles, the building of juvenile detention centers, and against new and future methods of incarceration. We believe #BlackLivesMatter, that we must #AmplifyIndigenousVoices, #LegalizeImmigrants, #AbolishICE, and fight against #Homophobia and #Transphobia, from jails and prisons to popular media and culture.
Unorganized groups of individuals, rehabilitative and ren-entry organizations, policy, grassroots, and legal organizations, felon and prisoner Organizers, networks, advocates, and advocates, or individuals fed up with our nation’s severe over-incarceration, are all encouraged to get involved. We will also advocate for resources that help those with criminal records and/or with chronic chemical or cognitive behavioral dependencies, from needle exchanges, safe injection sites, and other forms of harm reduction, to job training and skill development that assist felons to move beyond the stigma of their charges, and make progress in their useful contributions to society.
Our goal is to provide a collective voice that acknowledges the failures of the U.S. Criminal (IN)Justice System, the injustice of the current Prison Industrial Complex, and seeks a cultural shift and legislative and social policy change that seeks to #EndMassIncarceration #Decarcerate, #Decriminalize, and achieve alternatives to the current punitive state.
Participants are free to develop their own advocacy stance and actions, yet this group will strive to educate according to basic principles in favor of abolition, transformation, and reform, and in pursuit of an end to the failed drug war, toward decriminalizing human beings and decarcerating broad categories of people who pose no immediate threat to persons or society. We do not discriminate according to the labels of the “Criminal Injustice System,” and the “New Jim Crow,” decades and centuries too corrupt, racist, and exploitative to be qualified to hold us accountable. We are accountable to our families, our friends, our support and recovery networks, and our communities, not to a racist, homophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-youth, and exploitative “Criminal Injustice System.”