GAIN Power is a unique community space for the people working to power positive, progressive politics and the leaders dedicated to good governance and bettering our country. We are dedicated to promoting and celebrating individuals and organizations powering democracy, elections, advocacy campaigns, and government to bring about social, political, and economic change. Our team creates content, programs, and events to support the talent doing this work and to recruit more talent to the work. GAIN POWER offers networking and marking platforms, awards, events, professional development, stories, and content about the people leading our movements. Since we launched in 2020, our member community has grown to 50,000+ individuals and 4000+ organizations across all 50 states.

Our mission is to diversify, demystify, and democratize democracy work and elevate the organizations and leaders who work to improve it. In doing so, we work to inspire more people to make positive politics a profession. Many who seek power demonize our democracy, politics, and government. Through these intentional attacks on democracy, our leaders and institutions, misinformation, and disinformation, they have made our system of government toxic and turned off many we need to participate. We want to contribute to building a more positive, hopeful reflective representative democracy and to advance policies that serve those who need them most. In the words of Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, we believe that “Those closest to the pain should be closest to the power.”

This quote from Dr. Martin Luther King also inspires our name and work:

Excerpted quotes from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Where Do We Go From Here Speech.

We build community programs for creative change-makers, progressive professionals, Democratic candidates, campaigns & consultants, ideologically left advocacy nonprofits, socially conscious businesses, Democracy activists, advocates, artists, influencers, donors and investors, disrupters, resisters & persisters.

We offer career, networking, and marketing opportunities and events. We’re building directories, a marketplace of and for leaders with ideas, services, professional development activities, intelligence, curated content, and stories about the people, campaigns, and organizations working to promote and protect our democracy and advocate for progressive policies.

GAIN POWER is a resource center and virtual meeting place for Democratic and Progressive leaders, talent, and campaigns looking for professional opportunities to engage in politics. We organize community award programs to celebrate and elevate the powerful work impacting democracy, elections, and advocacy.

GAIN POWER is open to all Democratic & Progressive Professionals. We are especially intentional about recruiting and promoting Women, African Americans, Latinx, Native Americans, APIA, LGBTQI, and any underrepresented people who comprise most of our electorate. We seek to promote diversity in our community of consultants, campaigns, and nonprofit organizations and to be part of making them more inclusive, intersectional, and representative. We seek all members’ ideas, opportunities, and collaboration in this effort.