About Us
Who we are
The 2.5 million members of NARAL Pro-Choice America fight for reproductive freedom for every person in every state. Each day, we organize and mobilize to protect that freedom by fighting for access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave and protections from pregnancy discrimination.
Like 7 in 10 Americans, we believe abortion must remain legal and accessible. We are the foot soldiers who work to ensure that abortion access is not only protected, but expanded for every American. Since 1969, our member-driven campaigns have propelled political and cultural change at every level, from the statehouse to the White House.
When it comes time to rally by the thousands on the steps of the Supreme Court in support of abortion access, our members are there.
When it comes time to push back against the daily lies and fear peddled by anti-choice zealots who want to drag our country backward in time, our members are there.
And when it comes time to hold political leaders accountable at the ballot box, our members are there.
Working together, we push our friends to be bolder, lift up the champions fighting for true reproductive freedom, and shine a spotlight of accountability on the bad actors trying to impose their out-of-touch agenda on us all.
What we do
Organize our 2.5 million members, and the allies around us, to make sure leaders at every level hear from their constituents—the 7 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.
Educate citizens, lawmakers and other influencers about the pernicious impacts of anti-choice policies.
Work with our network of state affiliates to promote progressive, proactive policies that advance reproductive freedom—and fight back against harmful restrictions that threaten access to basic health care.
Elect champions who don’t just pay lip service to the values of reproductive freedom, but who truly fight for them—and we help defeat those who want to roll back the clock on our rights.