About Us
Ballot Builder helps organizations create interactive, nonpartisan voter guides that improve GOTV outcomes.
One of the biggest questions organizers get is “who should I vote for?”. If a voter doesn’t feel informed or prepared, they’re less likely to turn out on election day.
Ballot Builder gives you an easy, nonpartisan way to answer that question and the hundreds of other questions that keep voters have during an election.
Our unique approach to voter education helps your organization:
- Start more conversations with voters by helping answer their biggest questions.
- Stand out to funders by showcasing an innovative and quantitative approach to field.
- Build capacity by identifying high-engagement voters and moving them up the ladder of engagement.
- Save time and energy by letting our team do the legwork in assembling voter education resources.
We work with some of the biggest organizations in Georgia, including New Georgia Project, League of Conservation Voters, Asian American Advancing Justice, the National Association of Latino Elected Officials, and Fair Count.
We’re actively expanding to new states and cities. Reach out to see if we can help level up your field plan.
Our team is comprised of diverse individuals with backgrounds in law, politics, technology, and organizing.
Fun Fact
Every Election Day, we celebrate with donuts in the office. What's your Election Day tradition?
To date, we've helped over 60,000 voters in Georgia get informed about what's on their ballot, including in the 2020 and 2022 Georgia elections.