About Us
Working America unites working people who don’t have a union on the job. With more than 3 million members in urban and suburban communities, we work together for good jobs, a fair economy and a democracy that represents all of us.
Founded in 2003, Working America, the community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, makes sure that the priorities of working people, their families and communities are heard from our state houses to the White House, from our city councils and school boards to the halls of Congress.
We go door-to-door in neighborhoods across the country, and build strength in numbers by joining together to demand action. Whether the issue is good jobs or health care, education or Social Security, we offer good information on candidates and issues – and provide an on-ramp to support policies that will improve the lives of working people.
We’ve won higher minimum wages in cities across the country — including Albuquerque, Greensboro, Minneapolis, Portland and Seattle, among others. A successful minimum wage referendum in Illinois will help raise wages for more than a million workers and their families, and we scored victories to raise wages in states like Alaska and Oregon. We’ve helped pass paid sick leave and family leave in many of those same places, and more.
And that’s only a small part of it.