About Us
VoteTripling.org is a progressive voter turnout organization and political action committee (PAC). In 2018 and 2019, we designed, tested and disseminated a free behavioral science-based tactic that sparks Democrats to get their friends to vote (see below blurbs for description of tactic). In 2020, our work is centered on disseminating this tactic as broadly as possible in swing states via providing free and in-depth trainings and technical support to progressives on the implementation of this technique. In 2020, we will support dozens of national- and state-level independent expenditures and political campaigns. Our ambition is to gain enough adoption of vote tripling to produce a large enough boost in turnout to flip a 2020 swing state.
Classic Vote Tripling: Vote tripling is the new & improved commit to vote (CTV) pledge. Instead of just asking voters to pledge that they will vote, this GOTV tactic also gets them to pledge to mobilize 3 friends. Through SMS and phone banking outreach, partner organizations can get tens of thousands of non-activists to pledge to vote triple. Our 2018 test finds vote tripling boosts turnout inexpensively and, because of its simplicity, scales far faster than other friend-to-friend GOTV programs.
Polling Place Vote Tripling: Polling place tripling is a voter turnout program where volunteers or staff intercept voters as they leave their polling place and ask them to immediately remind three friends to vote. Our test found this tactic led to a 7 percentage point boost in voter turnout.