We are looking for some community users to help build GAIN POWER and represent the people who use our platforms. We want people who will advise our programs and contribute to the organizational development and reflect our user community. We want your ideas and feedback on ours. We need leaders who want to expand, diversify, improve, and grow in progressive politics
We want a team – not a board with governing responsibilities (though this may be an option if you are interested later). We want to build a team of the smartest, savvy, impactful people in progressive politics so if this is you – join us. Your name can be an important credential. We’re looking for a diverse array of progressive organizers from all issue and identity movements, skills, and geography to help reflect our mission and vision. We’re hoping to have as much of your engagement as you want. If any of this speaks to you, below are a few things we actually could use help with – check one box or check them all. We promise not to bombard you with too many requests – only those that fit your interests.
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