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First Name


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Current Employer


Current Occupation

Photo & Video Production & Political Media


I've managed statewide field campaigns, governors races, and have a background in education administration and direct action organizing work. I now run my own photo & video business, but am really hoping to hop back in to the political world to be a part of the 2024 cycle.


-2012-2014 – Direct Action Organizing as part of the Center for Education Policy and Advocacy at UMass Amherst
-2014 – Regional Field Director – Vermont Democratic Party
-2015 – Field Director and Party Reorganization – Vermont Democratic Party
-2016 – Coordinated Campaign Director – Vermont Democratic Party
-2018 – Campaign Manager, Christine Hallquist for Governor
-2020 – Campaign Manager, Rebecca Holcombe for Governor


I think my strongest assets are as a manager and team builder. I know what it takes to build a campaign from the ground up, how to delegate effectively and empower staff and volunteers, and keep a campaign positive and forward looking amidst inherently challenging environments. I know Christine Hallquist’s campaign made an impact and changed lives for members of the trans community in the US as Christine represented the first out openly transgender major party nominee for Governor in US history. I wrote more about that experience here:

What I learnt campaigning for the first transgender candidate for governor – and why I’m optimistic even though we lost



I am interested in being part of a remote team and am flexible with how I could contribute to a candidate or organization. I have experience supporting new and first time candidates. I currently run my own photo and video production business and have written, filmed, and edited political campaign ads for local candidates, and I believe my background in administration and education could be an asset to growing teams. I would see myself working in a media/leadership/management capacity and am open to conversations with campaigns or candidates who believe I could contribute to their team!