Arnoldo Alonso posted an update in the group
2 years ago (edited)New Political/Public Sector Consulting Firm Interest Group
Friends, with a lot of hard work let me introduce you to the first veteran, multilingual and Latino owned progressive consulting in our ecosystem.
Mission Statement
Brasidas Strategies is a veteran and minority-owned progressive consulting firm focused on making life easier, winning, organizing, getting things done, establishing best practices across the non-profit, electoral, government, small business, and the issue-advocacy ecosystem and world, with a focus, on bridging the gap between data, tech, modernization, talent, art, government, equity, research, project management, bilingual storytelling and messaging, base-building, sustainability, and democracy.
Your website: https://www.brasidasstrategies.com/
We had a great primary, with two of our candidates who were outspent 10:1 go into the run-off. We have a talented team, who are very funny, or so we try, battle tested, and have the proven track-record of getting things done and of “making life easy.” We all have been in the trenches, done, so many campaigns, that we have lost a lot, but won a lot more. We do the hard races. We bring good people together. And we care about winning, because we care about people, and we believe that politics is sport, the only sport that matters, and the working poor, and the middle-class, and the sick, the old, and the forgotten, do not have the luxury, nor the privilege, of us losing.
We are a firm, with our roots and headquarters in South Texas. In the Río Grand’ Valley, allí, todos ustedes tienen su casa. We might not have the opportunities of being in a large market, but our whole team, have ran multiple, and highly successful, operations, all across our country and nationally, and we are able to go toe-to-toe, with anyone. Our services, can be found in your website. Feel free to check us out. Be a little nosey, for nosey, is good, especially, if you are looking “who to hire.”
The only service your firm, does not have listed is direct-mail. But we do it, we just partner up with those who do it good, and who are available. We got three partners who do mail. Who are the best in the game. Whatever, you need, in the words of us rural folk in South Texas, “we got you.”
I, hope, you can put your trust in us, and we promise, we will make it happen and fight for you. Hit the “follow,” button on our LinkedIn page. You can do this via this link, or once you are in your website. Aquí, tienes un amigo.
Con cariño y aprecio, un izquierdista, que le gusta ganar,
Arnoldo Alonso
Brasidas Strategies - We find solutions,
Brasidas Strategies - We find solutions,